Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Books, Books and MORE Books

Yes, this stack is towering over the back of the couch.

Most of my friends know that I am a speed reader, AND that the house could burn down around me while I read and I wouldn't know unless my pages got scorched. Consequently I rarely read, Barry seems to like living in a house. However in the last two weeks I have been on a binge. It all started when someone talked me into reading The Twilight Series, and then I finally read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. After that I read the Fablehaven series, the Candy Shop War, I Walked to Zion, The Host, Austenland, Book of a Thousand Days, The Art of Racing in the Rain, a couple magazines and a book about raising chickens. I would consider a twelve step program, but I have to do something to distract myself from this morning sickness. So feel free to keep the book suggestions coming, if I am sick the whole time, I will really have an impressive stack.


Helena said...

I read the first Twilight book and couldn't really buy the relationship, though I did get a kick out of the fact that it was set in Forks. Heh.

I've been in some kind of reading-withdrawal for a few weeks. For some reason I decided to torture myself with Winnie-the-Pooh in Korean. That's not going very well. We're supposed to read Jane of Lantern Hill for book club next month, but I can't find a copy. I need a new author.

Helena said...

Oh, wait, just caught the morning sickness bit. ;) Congratulations!

Ummmm... Diana Wynne Jones. She's fun.

Melissa P said...

Gosh I should get into reading! Thats quite the stack of books~ Hope you arent sick for much longer! Good luck!

Laura Call said...

Wow, that sure was a subtle announcement if I ever heard one! I almost didn't catch it... CONGRATS!! How very exciting for your sweet family! I hope you get over the sickness part quickly. When are you due?

enickel said...

Wow! I would like to read like that. Congrats on the news!

mycattripoli said...

congratulations mrs simmons! baby time once again! i'll have to give that stephanie meyers a try...

Samara and Family said...

I would guess that reading would distract you from the morning sickness. Sarah and I both have that single minded attention to the printed word in our genetics.

Our mom used to call us and we would not hear her. She would walk over and wave her hand between our face and the book to get out attention. Talk about annoying! Which one being annoyed is the question ;-)

Laura Call said...

I tagged you on my blog!

Dean and Ida said...

i can vouch for her addiction to books... she may need help! ;-)

Tresa said...

Hey your list looks like mine. Im out of books at the moment and rereading the host. Our closest book store is 30 miles away.

Oh and hi by the way. I got your blog site from barry on facebook. Hope you don't mind.
The kids are beautiful ;) and Gratz on #6

Horn Family said...

Hey Sarah Congratulations!!! It just came to me to see if you were on your sister's blog. How is everything going? We are doing good. We will be back in town in February to have Malachi sealed to us. He will be sealed on the 5th of February at the 11 session hope to see you there : )